As part of our 20th Anniversary celebrations, we are delighted to have released the final two films in our Talking Hands series, created in association with our friends Paines Plough

Life, It Goes On by Abigail Gorman, starring Bea Webster

The Black Death plague was in 1720. The Cholera outbreak was in 1820. The Spanish flu was in 1920. All 100 years apart. Now... 2020. Dara is having their friends around for dinner for the first time since the pandemic began and a lot has happened in the meantime…

The Woman I Am
written and performed by Samantha Pearsall

Samantha is waiting for an important delivery and it’s testing her patience. Everything seems to happen so slowly in lockdown. Sat in her living room, with one eye out of the window, she is surrounded by photos: memories of her family and growing up. It’s the perfect time to reminisce.

Paula Garfield, Artistic Director of Deafinitely Theatre and Director of the films, said:

"I am so pleased to launch the final two Talking Hands films to complete the series of five monologues. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Deafinitely Theatre commissioned five female and non-binary writers from diverse backgrounds to write about their personal experiences in lockdown and I’m so grateful for their openness, honesty and bravery in telling these stories and shining a light on the experience of the deaf community.

My aim has long been to give a platform to deaf writing talent and provide opportunities for new writers to showcase their skills. We need more deaf voices writing for theatre, film and TV and I’m proud to have been on this journey with these five wonderful writers to make these short films in British Sign Language. I hope audiences will be inspired to watch, learn and open their minds to what life was like for deaf people during the national lockdowns."

The short films are performed in British Sign Language and were created as a response to the deaf experience of the coronavirus pandemic, continuing our commitment to providing opportunities to deaf artists at a time when creative live theatre wasn’t possible.

Watch all five films for free here