Sanchu Iyer Sanchu Iyer Sanchu is familiar with Deafinitely theatre as she was one of the participants for Deafinitely’s creative writing group for two years (during which period she showcased two of her short plays) and she has worked with staff from Deafinitely youth project during their outreach work in a school where she had worked. Prior to the inception of the theatre, she attended BDA’s creative writing retreat where she first met Paula. Sanchu is passionate about global justice, social equality and poverty alleviation. She has been involved in a number of environmental, community and campaign voluntary work such as CSV, VSO and CAFOD. She has trusteeship experience as she was a trustee for Deaf Ethnic Women’s Association (DEWA) and a trustee and chairperson for Aurora Deaf Aid Africa (ADAA). Currently she’s a PhD candidate for Heriot Watt university. Manage Cookie Preferences