Support our work Be part of The Promise Donate Fundraise Paula Garfield, the Artistic Director of Deafinitely Theatre said: "The Promise is a unique opportunity to present an authentic story of the barriers deaf people with dementia face within the healthcare system. There are many deaf people who have been affected by dementia, yet their stories have never been told. By donating today, you will be a part of helping us to tell these important stories." You can support The Promise and help become a part of the story we tell..... £10 Helps us pay for props in the show Donate now £25 Supports the actors costumes Donate now £50 Goes towards hiring lighting equipment Donate now £100 Helps us create our incredible set and creative captions Donate now £500 Supports our production costs for our tour Donate now When you make a donation towards the production, we will acknowledge your gift by adding your name of choice to our website as a thank you. You can also find out other ways to support us Manage Cookie Preferences